YRC in their normal fashion decided to take their time in moving my kit. They scheduled the delivery for yesterday but as of 8pm it was still in NY. When I woke up this morning I saw it had made its way to the Middletown Depot. Not sure why they call it Middletown considering its about 10 miles from there. But it was about 2 miles from my house. Looking at the weather it was clear they were not going to do deliveries today due to snow. After a quick call I was able to get them to let me pick it up. Everyone says the box is big, and they are not lying. Its 10’9″ Long x 48″ Wide x 13″ Tall. The Bill of Lading said it weighed 295 lbs. After unpacking this box, I am pretty sure the box weighs 200 lbs. Parts, There is a ton of them and they are all wrapped up. Thankfully my brother Kevin showed up with his girlfriends daughter Emily and they along with my Dad & Sean (one of my employees) helped me unpack and inventory. We got it done in under 3 1/2 hours. I didn’t count the high quantity stuff in the hardware kit, but pretty much anything under a 50 count got counted. Turns out out of all the thousands of pieces in this kit, I was short 2 washers and a cotter pin. Not the end of the world. I also got the ToolBox project as well as the Wing Section. Right now I am waiting on my tool kit order from PlaneTools.com to come in. I have a expected delivery of Friday.
The Box!
I anticipated this to be far worse than it was. There was alot of paper, and someone got excited with duct tape. But it wasn’t that bad. I am glad I am not going to be super sensitive on the blue plastic like some builders as that just tore off with the duct tape.
All the bits & pieces put away for now
The paper! I’m sure this will fill our dumpster up somewhat.