David's RV-10 Build

Just another RV-10 builders log

Day: December 4, 2013

More Tools!

Saturday I went to home depot & picked up a new belt sander / disc sander for some cheap $$$.  This of course meant I had to reorganize my power tool table.

I also picked up some metal blades for the band saw. I ended up having to return them due to the fact that homedepot.com lists the bandsaw with a 62″ blade, the box the band saw came in says 62″ blade. the owners manual says 59 1/2″ blade. The owners manual turned out to be correct. I also decided this week that since I had a desktop computer no one in the office was using that it would be moved into the shop. If you notice in the top corner of the picture you can see where I have my webcam mounted. I will be hosting Google Hangouts while I am doing any work on the build. Keep in mind I will be working on it whenever I have free time, so that could be right in the middle of the day or late at night. I also bought 2 chairs from Bed Bath & Beyond Expensive. They really were not to bad. I think they came out to about $70/after tax each.

Order updates:

YRC failed me yet again and couldn’t grasp the concept of a 2:00 PM pickup deadline. So instead of going out on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. It got picked up on Monday. I have a anticipated arrival date of Monday the 9th. I also placed my main kit order with Isham’s PlaneTools.com. According to Isham my order should go out early next week. Hopefully sooner than later. I also placed an order for various things from Cleaveland Tools. After I placed my order, I realized I wanted to add some more clecos & shot them a email. Annette responded first thing Monday and said no problem my order should go out today or tomorrow. Well they got it out about 5 hours later and today UPS notified me that there would be a early than scheduled delivery. Jackpot! Unfortunately I will be gone for tomorrow and Friday doing work things.

David's RV-10 Build © 2015