David's RV-10 Build

Just another RV-10 builders log

Category: 17) Leading Edge

Skin dimpling

I started off today by creating a new way to dimple the skins. While my old setup was easy. It was very awkward to use on large skins. It was also mounted on top of a table adding some significant height to the overall work. What I did today was I found a 2×6 board just long enough to mount the DRDT2 too, and then took one of remaining sides of the crate that are still out back and cut 4 lengths at 2′ long. Then using very scientific methods, we attached 2 to each table. This allows me to slide the DRdT2 in between the tables and creates a flat surface for the skin to slide on. I really wish I did this a year ago.

After that I dimpled the skin nice & easily. I also installed the 4 nut plates for the landing lights. This was a proceeded by a bath and prime. I also laid down 2 coats of chrome paint near the light hole.

Since this stuff dries so quickly I was able to cleco together most of the leading edge. I also squeezed the 2 rivets for the stall warning hole which does not go in this side.

Tomorrow I plan on finishing up the fuel tank strip and riveting this part all together.

Overdue Update

Post Edit: This is Post # 100!

I have long ignored this page. Part of the problem was lack of time, photos all over the place. I have conceded to doing one long post with the pictures I have found. Shortly before my trip the Dominican Republic (which was a war, 85 degrees the entire week), I began riveting the left fuel tank. I used a process that I saw on Vans Airforce. Which involves applying a thin layer of proseal to the part to be riveted. then cleco’ing it place and letting it sit for a day. I had hoped to finish it up prior to leaving, but rushing never leads to good results. I have quite a few rivets that need to come out and alot of proseal to clean up. I apparently took no photos since of this either as I cannot find any.

Since I got tired of cleaning proseal, I decided to work on the leading edges again. I had received my DuckWorks LED Landing Lights. Cutting the hole was extremely nerve racking, but looks pretty good. I bought chrome metallic spray paint to give it some reflective ability. Time will tell if this was worth it.

Next I began riveting the skins onto the ribs. This went by quite easier then the fuel tank did for some reason. (ignoring the proseal). I knocked those rivets out relatively quickly.

Next I proceeded with the lamp bracket. This was pretty straight forward. Cut the bracket per the instructions, Drill some holes & rivet.

Next I printed out some labels in MS Word by using a font size of 6. Cut them out and used clear heatshrink to hold them to the wires. This was far cheaper then some other really neat alternatives. I had found a label maker that could print directly to heat shrink, but the label maker was about $300 and the labels were $40 for 5 feet. Not really worth the cost.

Next I started working on the lens. This was a real pain in the butt in my opinion. I had it cut nicely and it fit well, but once I put it in place with the screws, I have a small gap. I will eventually come back and look at this in the future.

Next I had got some help and mounted the left wing onto the table and cleco’d the leading edge in place. Riveting here was pretty straight forward.

Next I had my dad help me put the wing back into its cradle. Its starting to really look like a wing now.

Next I decided to quickly swap out the bracket required for autopilot. That was a quick 30 second job

I believe I took about a week off due to work commitments, but then I started the right side leading edge landing lights.

I also picked up some #16 & 18 wire and ran the wire & a pull string for the landing lights on the left wing as well as the stall warning sensor. That was pretty easy.

Then once again I let everything sit for a while. I recently started deburring, scuffing, dimpling, and priming the right side leading edge parts. Once I finish dimpling the skin I will start riveting it together.

Right leading edge

Today I basically repeated what I did with the left leading edge, minus some cutting. I match drilled all the holes I could. I have everything completed up till the dis-assembly step. I don’t plan on going any farther until I receive the templates for my leading edge lights. I will probably start prepping the tanks until they come in.

Left Leading Edge

Today I really got started on the leading edges. I decided I am only going to build one at a time to simplify the parts management. I decided I would start with the left as there was a lot I wanted to do with it. I started off by cutting some notches in 2 of the ribs. Next I inserted the ribs & the J stiffener. I left it all together after match drilling and elected to start the stall warning system since I had a lot of open access. The first thing I did was cut the access port. I was a nervous wreck cutting a big hole in the skin but it came out fine. Next I drilled the 2 holes to create the switch hole in the very front of the leading edge. I finished the night up by assembling the stall warning switch. Once I start taking the leading edge apart, I will have to come back to this section to make sure I have all the appropriate holes dimpled, riveted, etc. I am trying to get Duckworks to send me a couple of the cutting diagrams so I can cut the skin in advance.

Rib’s getting ready to be modified.

Leading edge assembled, match drilled, ready for disassembly

Preparing the access panel

mounting holes drilled out

1/2″ radius corners

access plate doubler

access plate

stall warning switch port

stall warning switch

David's RV-10 Build © 2015