David's RV-10 Build

Just another RV-10 builders log

Category: 16) Top Wing Skins

Right Top wing skin

Today Corey & I really did got at the right wing. I’d say we did probably about 3/4 to 7/8s of all the rivets to be done. I also put some conduit in the ribs. I don’t think I posted before, but I am using the 5/8″ black conduit from Van’s. I ordered 50′ of it and I have ALOT left over. After Corey left, I reorganized my toolbox a bit and really cleaned it out. This was well needed to be done. I also ended up making a wood block to hold my countersinks. I am not sure why I didn’t do this before.

Top Left Wing Skin Complete

So I’ve been slacking pretty hard on the updates as well as slacking on working on the plane. I really don’t recall any specifics other than alot of dimpling, sanding, priming and riveting. I have a couple of dings in the skin which im not thrilled about, but I will take care of once it becomes time to paint. Once I got the the left skin riveted, I installed some 5/8″ conduit as well as the Pitot & AOA lines.

J Stiffner placed

Skins cleco’d. Ready to match drill

Inside of wing

Excess hidden away

The top skin in all its glory

David's RV-10 Build © 2015