David's RV-10 Build

Just another RV-10 builders log

Rudder Complete!

After letting the rudder sit for the last week, I started to complete the rudder. I first started by running a test piece on on the practice kit. After feeling pretty good about the results I popped out all the clecos and installed all the rivets and held them on with some rivet tape.

Next I started working on the counterweights. I did mess up here by putting the crease in without the weight (doh). I do believe I did a good job fixing the crease. Getting the counter weight on was relatively easy. Next I backed up a few steps and rolled the leading edge of the rudder. This was a gigantic pain in the ass. To be honest its the only section that I think looks terrible. But luckily its hidden by the Vertical Stabilizer. After that I pulled off the blue plastic and pretty much called it a night

Updated: January 12, 2014 — 10:52 am

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