Today I began by finishing any dimpling & coutersinking that I had to do. That really didn’t take as long as I had thought it would. Next I grabbed the skins and began to mark where the PVC foam blocks would go. After marking the areas with a sharpie I grabbed my die grinder and a scotch brite wheel and made a rough pass with it to give the proseal a place to stick.
Now that that was complete, I began cleaning and rinsing every.. single.. piece… I elected to break this up into 2 sections. I did all the “small” pieces first. After they were final rinsed from the acid etch and dried. I began priming them. While those parts were drying I started working on the spars & skins. Due to their size, I used the office shower to clean those up. For the spars & skins I decided to try skipping the acid etch step as more and more people are saying it is a waste with self etching primer. I may keep at it for the small stuff though. After the spars & small parts dried I began some assembly.
I riveted the tip rib assemblies, as well as the reinforcement plates & nut plates on the front spars. I finished off the night with riveting the Root ribs, Spars, and elevator horns together.
I love when I get to put the hardware in. I always feel like I just accomplished something major. Even if its something as small as a bushing.