David's RV-10 Build

Just another RV-10 builders log

Tailcone Start!

I haven’t had much time to do much over the last 2 weeks. Between being busy at work or having a poor nights sleep I avoided working on the plane. I finally got started earlier this week though. I’m not going to go into every detail I did this week, but I’ll show some pretty pictures.

Rear tie down mounting point

The angle on this next bulkhead really caused me alot of grief. This is when I knew to stop and get some rest. I cut the angle with a 5/16″ angle from the angle portion to the flat portion inwards. I had my dad pick up some angle from fastenal but it turned out to the wrong type. Then I ventured a 30 minute drive to a metal retailer, found a piece, hopped in the truck and realized I did not screw the part up in the first place. That all I needed to do was finish machining it the proper way. Sleep is good!


rabble rouser aluminum angle

rear most bulkheads

Yesterday I nailed out a couple of pages. I grabbed all the rear bulk head pieces and began stripping the plastic off of them. Then began deburring the edges. After what seemed like forever I cleco’d them together and matched drilled them.

foremost bulkhead

After this was accomplished I began working on the stiffeners. If you have 0 patience, you should probably abort this project now. Cutting to length wasn’t so bad, but the deburring aspect was. I finally got to use my disc sander for some real fabrication work on this though. I set my guide to 45* and ground down the edges to make the angles called out in the plans. I called it a night here as the plans call for a center line down the length of each stiffener



Updated: March 22, 2014 — 11:33 am

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