I arrived at my shop around 9 or 10 am and began quite literally a marathon session. I finished all the match drilling to this point. Worked on the trim cable access plates. and then began deburring and sanding. Good thing I had a computer with speakers as doing this without the ability to watch movies would be dreadful. After sanding I dimpled 2 skins, the trim cover doubler, & trim plate.
- 06) Vertical Stabilizer
- 07) Rudder
- 08) Horizontal Stabilizer
- 09) Elevators
- 10) Tailcone
- 11) Empennage Attach
- 12) Empennage Fairings
- 13) Main Spars
- 14) Wing Ribs
- 15) Rear Spar
- 16) Top Wing Skins
- 17) Leading Edge
- 18) Fuel Tanks
- 19) Stall Warning System
- 20) Bottom Wing Skins
- 21) Ailerons
- 24) Wing Tips
- Empennage
- Fuselage
- Misc.
- Service Bullitens
- Tools
- Wings
- Workshop